Winners of Coventry & Warwickshire Children’s Peace Poem Competition 2020-21
During 2020, working with Coventry Cathedral and Coventry and Warwickshire Standing Advisory Councils on Religious Education (SACRE), Coventry Lord Mayor’s Committee for Peace and Reconciliation invited children aged 16 or younger who live or attend school in Coventry or Warwickshire to submit a poem on the themes of neighbourliness and/or peace.
Our judges, Craig Muir, Janey Manton, Ann Evans, John Greatrex and the Lord Mayor of Coventry Councillor Ann Lucas were presented with a great deal of work to read through all 341 poems submitted this year, the highest number so far.
They each first selected their favourites, producing a shortlist of just over 100 poems, which they then ranked for their relevance to this year’s themes of neighbourliness and peace, the author’s originality and creativity, whether the poems carried a coherent message and the strength of the use of imagery and of language.
The judges said it was a pleasure to read the poems but hard to choose the best because they all had merit. After a great deal of work during the busy Christmas season they finally picked the winners, three from Coventry and two from Warwickshire.
The winners from Coventry
1st Prize: Anna Gardiner
2nd Prize: Harrison McQueen
3rd Prize: Sahej Cheema
Angel Parekh who drew the picture featured on the cover of the book also received a prize.
All these students attend Ravensdale Primary School, a truly remarkable achievement for the school.
The winners from Warwickshire
Joint 1st Prize: Daisy Thatcher from Ettington Primary School
Joint 1st Prize: Polly Jones from Alveston C of E Primary School
The winners each receive prizes thanks to the support of the Rotary Club of Warwick.
Read the poems
A free ebook (PDF) containing all the poems submitted is available for viewing and download here.
Copies of a paperback and ebook containing the shortlisted poems and the winners can be ordered from our online store and from Amazon.
Winners of Coventry & Warwickshire Children’s Peace Poem Competition 2020-21 — No Comments
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